Tag Archives: window

How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?

Dog, Bruges, Belgium

While touring the quaint canals of Bruges in Belgium I looked up to see a surprising sight. A curious dog, just peering out of the window as if it was completely normal. Nothing to see here! Just inches between its paws and a few metres fall into the water below. It captured my imagination and made me wonder just what it might be thinking. Whatever the case, it certainly had a good view from where it was sitting!

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Saturated

Window, Eaux-Vives, Geneva

My shot for this week’s photo challenge was taken in my own neighbourhood of Geneva, about 5 minutes from my front door. There are a diverse range of buildings in the Eaux-Vives area, but I think this is probably the most interesting just because it feels a bit out of place. Seemingly abandoned and since adopted by some of Geneva’s homeless, it makes for some intriguing shots.

This window represents the building perfectly. With no glass and one shutter missing, I hate to think how cold it must be in the winter time. I love the saturation of the pink towel left out to dry and its contrast against the drab, unkept building. What do you think? Do you have any buildings in your neighbourhood that have been adopted by the homeless?

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