Tag Archives: tutorial

Post-Processing in Lightroom: Into A Dream

When I’m out with a camera I always try to let my imagination run wild with the landscapes around me. As soon as I saw the subject of this week’s post-processing tutorial I knew the artistic direction I wanted to take with it in Lightroom.

In this week’s video I demonstrate how I created the dream-like feeling in this shot using the temperature and vignette sliders. After a request from Kan of Kan Walk Will Travel I also made sure to use a shot with which I could demonstrate the Graduated Filter tool.

So this will be my first request fulfilled! If you have anything you’d like to see more of just let me know and I’ll do my best to include it in a future video. I hope you enjoy this week’s tutorial, and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask! For those who don’t enjoy the video format you can see the before and after below.

Do you have any tips for using the Graduate Filter tool? Or maybe you have another example of fulfilling your artistic vision with Lightroom? I’d love to hear from you!

Post-Processing in Lightroom: Fixing Vertical Distortion

The subject for this week’s post-processing video is this shot I took in Lisbon, Portugal. It provides a good, simple example of how to use the vertical distortion tool in Lightroom to change the perspective of a photograph.

This image was more popular than I thought it would be. I guess I should be focussing more on images with animals in! I don’t take many of those right now. There are a couple of other little Lightroom tricks in the video that I explain along the way, so I’m hoping you’ll find it useful!

If you’re interested in seeing some more before and after post-processing, be sure to check out the AB Friday Forum run by Stacy Fischer. It’s a fantastic place to pick up some tips and tricks while being inspired by the great work of other photographers.

As I said last time, if you have any requests for shots that you’re interested in seeing just let me know and I’ll endeavour to put together a similar video over the coming weeks and months. See you in two weeks for the next installment!

Have you used the distortion tools in Lightroom? Maybe you have a trick or two to share? I’d love to hear from you!

Post-Processing in Lightroom: Circle of Light

I’ve finally got around to recording a belated second post-processing video! I published this shot of Amsterdam’s Royal Palace back in April, and a couple of people asked to see a before and after of my processing. Hopefully this will satisfy your curiosity!

Whether you’re a fan of the final shot or not, I think this is a great example of what you can achieve in Lightroom with only a few clicks.

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If you have any requests for shots that you’re interested in seeing just let me know and I’ll endeavour to put together a similar video over the coming weeks and months. I’m planning to publish one of these every two weeks, depending on how popular they are!

What tools do you use for processing your photos? Maybe you’d like to see a video for a specific shot of mine?! I’d love to hear from you!