Tag Archives: Photo of the week

Photo of the Week: Amsterdam

Quartier Putain, Red Light District, Amsterdam

Amsterdam – it’s a strange place. On the one hand I absolutely enjoyed wandering its canals and quaint historic streets. But I was put off this Dutch city by its red light district. It was seedy, creepy and made me feel quite uncomfortable. Perhaps more so than I have ever felt in Europe. But I’m certainly glad that I’ve been there myself to make up my own mind.

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Photo of the Week: Reflections in Loch Katrine

Reflection, Loch Katrine, Scotland

With the colours of Autumn starting to appear on the trees around Geneva, I’ve been thinking back to the trip we took last October. Driving through the Scottish Highlands was definitely one of the highlights of 2012 for me, and I’m so glad we went at this time of year. Although the colours weren’t perhaps at their best, the variety of yellows and greens on display was fabulous. And nowhere was this more apparent than Loch Katrine.

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Photo of the Week: Lake Annecy

Lake Annecy, France

A stunning body of water in the Haute-Savoie region of the French Alps, Lake Annecy offers great inspiration for a photographer. With plenty of waterside subjects and towering mountains providing a perfect backdrop, it’s easy to spend hours just wandering its shore. If you’d like to read more about Annecy you can check out my latest post over at World Spa & Travel.

Inspired by Alex over at Alex in Wanderland, I’ve decided to start doing a weekly feature with a bunch of photos taken at the same location. I’ll then ask you, my lovely readers, to give your opinion on which is your favourite. Or maybe you won’t like any of them! That’s ok too, any criticism (hopefully constructive) is appreciated as well.

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