Tag Archives: Moraine Lake

Last Light At Moraine Lake

Moraine Lake, Banff National Park, Canada

I’d seen so many images of Moraine Lake before visiting for myself that I had a good idea of the well-known photo spots. After making the most of my research I decided to head further around the lake to try and find a different angle. This shot was taken at sunset as the last rays of sunlight fell on the ten peaks that tower over the water.

I was overly paranoid about bear encounters during our time in Canada, and sightings have been on the rise in this area of the park during recent years. So each time I went out into the trees I’d sing to myself to make sure I didn’t take any by surprise.

As I took this photo crouched low to the ground with my tripod, I was singing to myself and looking over my shoulder every 30 seconds whenever I heard something in the bushes. I’m sure I was never in any danger at all, but as soon as the last light was gone I rushed back to the hotel very quickly!