Tag Archives: Loch Katrine

Lost And Searching For Loch Katrine

Autumn, Scottish Highlands

A very happy new year to all of my fantastic readers! I hope that 2014 is filled with joyous moments and wonderful memories for each and every one of you. One of my goals at the beginning of 2013 was to start a blog, and thanks to your support throughout the last 6 months I am still going strong without any plans to slow down in the new year. It really does mean a lot to me, so thanks again. I can only hope my photos over the coming year are interesting enough to keep you with me until the end of 2014!

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Photo of the Week: Reflections in Loch Katrine

Reflection, Loch Katrine, Scotland

With the colours of Autumn starting to appear on the trees around Geneva, I’ve been thinking back to the trip we took last October. Driving through the Scottish Highlands was definitely one of the highlights of 2012 for me, and I’m so glad we went at this time of year. Although the colours weren’t perhaps at their best, the variety of yellows and greens on display was fabulous. And nowhere was this more apparent than Loch Katrine.

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