Tag Archives: Hong Kong

Cloud Cover Over Hong Kong’s Chi Lin Nunnery

Singapore Skyline at Blue Hour

I just couldn’t escape the clouds during my time in Hong Kong, they were everywhere! And while it would have been nice to see some sunshine, they did at least provide a dramatic backdrop for some photography at the Chi Lin Nunnery.

I spent a good while in this spot waiting for the best moment to get a shot without many people in. Almost every time I was about to click the shutter another large group would enter through the front door! So I would just sigh and wait another few minutes for them to wander through.

Eventually it all came together, and I even managed to keep my camera straight whilst rushing for the shot! This was the most peaceful place I visited in the city of Hong Kong, the striking contrast to the cityscape behind impossible to ignore.

Hanging Lanterns In Hong Kong’s Man Mo Temple

Lanterns, Man Mo Temple, Hong Kong

After a while the burning incense in Hong Kong’s Man Mo Temple was quite suffocating, but the atmosphere it created was probably the most mesmerising of any temple I’ve visited. Despite the difficulty breathing after half an hour I was still reluctant to leave.

I spent a lot of time around these lanterns. There were plenty hanging inside, and I guess you can pay to have your prayer attached to one. I have absolutely no idea what the Chinese writing says. If anybody out there has a clue I’d love to know!

It’s in situations like this I wish I had a nice prime lens with a really low f stop and nice bokeh. Then I could get some really tight focus and that nice creamy effect in the out of focus areas. But for now my kit lens will have to do!

Walkways Over Hong Kong’s Central Business District

Central Business District, Hong Kong

After exploring the Central-Mid-Levels Escalators in Hong Kong I came across this fantastic overpass on the way back to my hotel. There are plenty of these throughout the network of raised walkways that connect many of the buildings in the central business district.

It’s a great place for night photography, and with the sun setting around 1740 in Hong Kong this time of year there’s no excuse not to give it a try! A scene that may look pretty dull during the day can be completely transformed with artificial lighting at night. From a photographer’s perspective it’s like exploring an entirely new location!

I was a little disappointed at first with the lack of symmetry here, but I think that it adds an element of intrigue to the image. At first glance you almost expect the walkway to be symmetrical, and the fact that it isn’t makes you look again. That’s how I see it anyway!