Tag Archives: Haute-Savoie

The Colour Of Autumn At Lac De Joux Plane

Autumn Reflection, French Alps

After a six hour hike around the nearby mountains, this magnificent autumn colour in Lac de Joux Plane was the perfect way to end the day. The yellow leaves are still hanging on to their branches before winter grips the Alps, and I’d quite like to hang on to autumn in the same way. Is there a more beautiful time of year?

I only had time to try a few different compositions here, and this was the best reflection I managed to capture. There were some pesky ducks around the lake, bobbing in and out of the water on a fairly frequent basis. They created some nice ripples but weren’t really helping me very much!

Although I took more zoomed in shots of these trees and their reflection, I preferred this shot with the foreground interest in the end. Being able to see the bottom of the lake gives the image more depth and hopefully draws the viewer in. That’s the theory anyway!

A Church So Quaint

Church, Le Reposoir, France

Just one of the unexpected treasures I discovered on Saturday, this lovely little church in the French commune of Le Reposoir was a fantastic find. Unfortunately it wasn’t open to the public, but regardless its exterior made a great subject for some photos. It’s surprises like this that make exploring so much fun!

I spent a while experimenting with the angles, but in the end I think this first shot was best. I enjoyed this spot so much that I decided to stop for lunch, sitting just behind the church looking out over the hills. I can’t believe I almost drove right past it!

Have you ever come across an unexpected treasure? Where was it? How did you find it? I’d love to hear from you!

From a Footbridge: Canals of Annecy

A beautiful French town in the Haute-Savoie region of the Alps, Annecy provides ample opportunity for fantastic photos. This shot was taken from one of many footbridges that cross the canals flowing through the picturesque old town area. I feel like it does a good job of conveying the feel of the town, and makes you wonder what might await your eyes just out of sight around the corner. I’ve been meaning to get back there this summer but haven’t made it yet. It’s only a 30 minute drive from Geneva so I have no excuses, but I’m running out of time!

If you’d like to find out more about Annecy and the Haute-Savoie region you can read my latest post on World Spa & Travel – In And Around The French Alps: Haute Savoie.