Tag Archives: Formula 1

My Year In Colours: Capture the Colour 2013

From Formula 1 to mountain paths to window shutters! I think the images I’ve chosen for this year’s Capture the Colour competition best demonstrate everything I’ve enjoyed shooting this year. I’m really glad I found out about this competition being run by Travel Supermarket. It’s given me a great excuse to look through my back catalogue, and I’ve realised how far my photography has come in the last couple of years.

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Silverstone Grand Prix In Motion

Silverstone - Vettel FP2

I don’t go very often, but I love taking photographs at Formula 1 events. You just can’t beat the colour and shiny-ness of the cars! When stationary they are at worst beautiful machines, and at best mesmerising beasts pounding round the circuit. There really is nothing quite like it!

I was lucky enough to be at the Silverstone Grand Prix a few weeks ago trying to get some good motion shots of the cars. I have to say it was very difficult! It was not something I could really attempt with my old compact camera so I had no prior experience of shooting moving objects in this manner. When I bought the NEX 6 this was one of the things I was most excited about – being able to take better pictures of Formula 1 cars at speed. I ended up with a lot of bad, blurry pictures but I also managed to get a few good ones!

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