Sailing Past Na Pali

Na Pali Coast, Kauai

After an hour-long drive to the port we arrived to find that our first attempt at seeing the Na Pali coast by boat was cancelled! The sea can get very choppy around the island of Kauai, and due to poor weather conditions we just couldn’t go out.

Fortunately we managed to re-book at the last minute through a different tour company for our last day on the island. To say I had my fingers crossed for good weather would be a huge understatement!

After our misfortune earlier in the week, we were lucky enough to experience incredible conditions when we finally made it out onto the water. I was able to keep my camera out for the majority of the trip without worrying about any spray at all!

7 thoughts on “Sailing Past Na Pali

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Ryan, I’d love for it to be a postcard! We were lucky to be there during sunset, the crazy shapes in the landscape create some fantastic shadows.


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