Which Lens For A Kauai Helicopter Tour?

Na Pali Coastline, Kauai, Hawaii

I debated which lens to take on our Kauai helicopter tour long and hard. You can’t change lenses during the flight, so it’s a make or break decision! After much deliberation I went with a mid-range lens which turned out to be just right.

At 24mm this shot of the Na Pali coast was about as wide as I could get without the helicopter creeping in at the edges of the frame. We were too far away from anything for a super wide angle lens to be useful, and I think it would have been very difficult to get a sharp shot with a powerful zoom lens. Something in the 18-70mm range would have been just right.

You can take private photography tours with some companies. I have no idea if you can switch lenses on those flights, but they change the route depending on what you want to take photos of which is pretty cool. Perhaps one day if I have more money than sense I’ll take one of those!

11 thoughts on “Which Lens For A Kauai Helicopter Tour?

  1. cadephotographic

    Love this shot. A great contrast in the colours and evidence that you made the correct decision is there to see. I remember when I took a helicopter flight last year, I had the same decision but in the end I went with a small bag with 17-50 and 55-250. I did manage to swap and to great effect, however, it is always good to challenge the use of just one lens. Keep it up.

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks! Thats great you were able to change lenses, and sounds like you made the right choices with those. Were were on a doors off tour and were told to put everything in our bags before take off, which were then locked away under our seats. Didnt want to be dropping something out of the helicopter! And I’m a bit clumsy with my lens caps…

    1. Ben Post author

      Thats great Marc, sounds like you have a good range there. We were on a doors off tour, so changing lenses was definitely not allowed!


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