Blue Hour At The Andaz Maui

Andaz Maui Sunset, Hawaii

As I walked back to our room at the Andaz Maui resort I turned around to take one last look at the Hawaiian sunset. The blue hour was just beginning, and what a sight! I’d just spent an hour shooting at the beach, but I couldn’t resist setting up my tripod one more time to capture this scene across the pool.

I often find the best light comes after the sun has set, and this evening was no exception. As always I exposed this shot for the highlights, expecting to have more success recovering the dark areas of the sky in post-processing.

Unfortunately as I brought up those shadows in Lightroom a huge amount of ugly noise was revealed. Using a combination of Topaz DeNoise and Lightroom I had to do a fair bit of work to balance the noise reduction against loss of detail in the image. It’s a bit of a black art and I still feel like an apprentice!

15 thoughts on “Blue Hour At The Andaz Maui

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Dalo, this is fast becoming my favourite time of day. Its fascinating to watch a place transition from light to dark!

  1. Stacy P. Fischer

    Ben, granted I’m viewing your picture on my iPad, but had you not mentioned the noise, I would never have guessed you had an issue with it. So you clearly did something right with Topaz and Lightroom! This is an exceptionally clear photo and the colors are stunning – the purple with the turquoise is exquisite, made all the better by the reflections. What an amazing trip you had! Thanks for share it with us!

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Stacy, the colours were what really caught my attention. The purple and turquoise seemed to complement each other very well. Im glad you noticed! And of course a reflection always helps 🙂


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