Watching Waves At Pololu Valley’s Black Sand Beach

Black Sand Beach, Pololu Valley

It’s a short downhill hike to reach the black sand beach which occupies Pololu Valley on the Big Island. Of course that means it’s uphill on the way back to your car! But I’d say it’s achievable for pretty much any able-bodied person, so long as it’s not wet and slippery out there.

Once we reached the bottom of the valley I spent some time walking up and down the beach, listening to and watching the waves. The ocean was so powerful here, with a really strong undertow pulling the water back out. It’s probably not a great place to go swimming! Especially since there is no lifeguard at all.

What it lacks in swim-ability it makes up for in isolation. We were sharing the beach with about 10 other people, so between the what must be about three or four hundred metres of sand it wasn’t too difficult to feel alone with nature. An incredible spot, and definitely worth the hike!

5 thoughts on “Watching Waves At Pololu Valley’s Black Sand Beach

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Duke! The sand was looking really beautiful and smooth just after it had been washed over by the waves, that’s what I was trying to capture here. So I’m happy you think the sand looks lovely! 🙂


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