Admiring The Cascade De Trainant

Cascade de Trainant, French Alps

Towards the end of the ascent to the Refuge de Sales is this incredible waterfall – the Cascade de Trainant. Unfortunately I didn’t make it to the end of the hike because I’d spent way too much time at each of the waterfalls along the way. This was the last one I had the privilege of seeing on the incredible journey.

At this point I was very glad I’d made the effort to carry my tripod uphill for two hours. If there’s a hike on which you should definitely take a tripod then this is it. And if you’re a fan of waterfalls then it’s like a dream! If you ignore some of the uphill hiking.

I always hate to leave places like this. I would quite happily sit for hours just listening to the water and watching as it works its way down the mountain. Next time I’ll be sure to start the hike a little earlier!

15 thoughts on “Admiring The Cascade De Trainant

    1. Ben Post author

      It really is Sue! Over the course of about a mile before this waterfall there are 3 or 4 more that are just as impressive. Although perhaps less easy to photograph!

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Sreejith, I am so in love with slower shutter speeds for water. Not only does it create this beautiful effect, but using a tripod makes me slow down and really appreciate what’s around me that little bit more.

  1. Cindi

    A stunning capture of moving water in a still image!

    And I agree with you; having time to sit for hours just to listen and observe would be a special event.

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Cindi, I really love the effect. Next time I will be sure to allow myself more time to take it all in – perhaps a stay overnight at the refuge I mentioned is in order!

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks David! I am loving the long exposures at the moment. Not only does the effect make for a great photo but taking things at a slower pace forces you to appreciate your surroundings a little more. I’m so pleased you found inspiration here, I’ll be checking out your ping back just now ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Pingback: Inspiring Waterfalls. | CADEPhotographic

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