The Almshouses Of Bruges

Almshouses, Bruges

Much like the rest of Bruges, walking amongst these Almshouses felt a bit like stepping back in time. The peaceful courtyard bordered by beautifully quaint homes provided a great spot for a moment of reflection.

It seems a bit ironic that a part of the city built to house the poor is now one of the biggest draws for tourists visiting romantic Bruges. Little did they know that their modest homes would become so popular.

There was some fantastic contrast between the tall trees that dominate this courtyard and pristine white houses surrounding them. The perfect opportunity for a black and white shot, in spite of the rain that plagued our time in Belgium!

11 thoughts on “The Almshouses Of Bruges

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Heather! The trees were beautiful, very glad we visited at the end of the Autumn when they had no leaves. Certainly added to the atmosphere of the place!

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Jude, the difference is stark I agree. I guess that these days people are more concerned with the bottom line. An interesting comparison! And a great shame 😦

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Roberto, the Begijnhof in Amsterdam is also beautiful I agree. I’m yet to visit any other cities in Belgium but thanks for the tip! I’ll be sure to look out for them when I do.


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