137 Posts, 338 Photos, 1 Year Blogging

Vernazza, Cinque Terre

Last week I surpassed one year blogging here on WordPress. I still find it hard to believe that I’ve been posting 3+ times a week for 12 months! A big part of my motivation for getting out and exploring so much comes from the excitement of sharing new images with you. Thank you so much for your support over the last year!

I thought I’d post a shot from the place that started it all – the Cinque Terre region of Italy. Still probably the most visually stunning part of the world I’ve visited, this place really struck a chord and inspired me to do more with my travel photography.

This shot of Vernazza was taken whilst trying to explore one of the hiking trails that connect the five coastal towns along the Italian Riviera. Unfortunately the route was closed, but I managed to get this shot from the beginning of the trail. I really can’t wait to go back some day and hike the full distance!

16 thoughts on “137 Posts, 338 Photos, 1 Year Blogging

  1. Andrew Seal

    Congratulations Ben on a great year of blogging and photography. What a great place to start, Cinque Terra – “visually stunning” is so right. You have inspired me to post some of my own shots from our walk along the cliffs and through those wonderful hillside towns. Best wishes for the coming year…Andrew 🙂

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Andrew, I’m so pleased my shots could be a source of inspiration! I’ll be on the lookout for your shots in the near future 🙂


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