Exploring Le Pointe De Miribel

Pointe de Miribel, France

There was so much great foreground interest at le Pointe de Miribel I wasn’t really sure where to start! With five crosses at the summit alongside this Madonna statue, I had a fun afternoon exploring all of the angles.

I was really lucky to get some images up here without any other hikers present. Just after I finished shooting this scene a couple sat to eat their lunch by the statue. From then on there was a steady stream of people arriving to admire the view.

I’m not so keen on these empty blue skies. A few more clouds would have been welcome! But in this case it does at least provide a nice clean backdrop for the Madonna statue, avoiding any unnecessary distraction.

I’ve seen some great shots of this location in winter, so I’m really looking forward to getting back out here come the snowy season!

5 thoughts on “Exploring Le Pointe De Miribel

  1. Heyjude

    The only distraction is that cable. I love the twisty road you have captured in the corner and the photo is lovely and sharp. Be good to see it in the snow.
    J xx

    1. Ben Post author

      I agree it’s a shame about the cable! I tried to find a good angle that excluded it but failed unfortunately. I guess I could have gone with a portrait orientation, but then you lose a lot of the interesting mountains. I also had a go at cloning it out in Lightroom but it wasn’t working well due to the high contrast between it and the blue sky. I’ll have to try again in the winter! Thanks for the honest comments as always Jude šŸ™‚

      1. Heyjude

        Hey, sometimes you just have to accept it as part of the photo. Not a lot you can do in this case! Still an exceptional image. I had a similar problem with foliage getting in the way http://wp.me/pL5Ms-1w5 I wanted to be about 10 feet higher up! And my images are no way near as sharp as yours.Your landscapes inspire me to keep trying!

        1. Ben Post author

          Yeah I guess so. As you say sometimes it’s just not possible, you can only work with what’s in front of your eyes. I think the foliage in those shots of yours add a bit of depth to the photos actually. I’m so pleased you feel inspired by my work! šŸ™‚

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