With Gothic Style

Church of Santa Maria, Lisbon

Probably the most memorable tourist attraction we visited in Lisbon, this shot was taken in the Church of Santa Maria which adjoins the Jerónimos Monastery (Mosteiro dos Jerónimos). I really loved the ceiling in this place! I just couldn’t stop looking up, and had quite a sore neck by the time we left.

Since I didn’t have a tripod on this trip there was some substantial noise in the image. I tried to get rid of it as best I could using a combination of Lightroom and Topaz DeNoise. Actually I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t let me in with a tripod anyway, as seems to be the case with just about every church I’ve ever visited!

21 thoughts on “With Gothic Style

  1. SPFischer

    Ben, noise or not, this photo is absolutely stunning! I keep looking at, savoring the details and the interplay of the light and shadows. I enjoy each and every one of your photos, but I think this one might be my favorite yet!

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Stacy! I would have liked to bring out the detail in the nearest column a bit more, but I think the noise was a bit much. In any case, the contrast between dark and light I think draws attention to the lighter centre part of the photo. I have a bunch of shots from this church, the wide angle lens certainly helps translate the sense the grandeur in these places!

  2. bmyshot

    Gothic architecture has always been my favourite because behind every decision there is a logical reason and form always follows function. So sexy.

    1. Ben Post author

      I always love gothic architecture on the inside of buildings. Often I find with exteriors it can be a bit hit and miss, as it’s much harder to get the lighting right for a good photo. It doesn’t look so intimidating against a bright blue sky!

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Ivy, I thought exactly the same thing actually. It’s such a beautiful pattern, without the spiders of course!

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Jessica, I absolutely agree. It works so well on the interior of buildings like this. Normally the lighting is pretty great and it creates this moody, intimidating feel.

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Dan, there were lots of great angles all around this church. It was just a matter of looking up and hitting the shutter!

    1. Ben Post author

      Well you certainly started with one of the best, what a great introduction! Of those you have visited which is your favourite?

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks! I’ve found that a wide angle lens really helps in big vertical spaces like this, it gives a much better sense of the buildings scale.

  3. Pingback: Finding Peace In The Jerónimos Monastery | Flights. Camera. Satisfaction.

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