Celebrating 100 Posts With WordPress

Last week I surpassed 100 blog posts here on WordPress, which I feel is something of a milestone. I’d like to say a big thank you to everybody who continues to visit, like and comment here on Flights Camera Satisfaction. It really means the world to me! This adventure was born out of a desire to share and improve my travel photography, and I’m so happy to have you along for the ride.

I thought I’d put together a post with the five most popular shots I’ve posted in the short time I’ve been online. I considered picking my personal favourites, but being incredibly indecisive and self-critical I may well have reached 200 posts before making any final decision on those! Clicking the headers will take you to the original posts if you’re interested to read more.

1. Big Ben, London

Big Ben, London, England

This shot was the inspiration behind my Freshly Pressed post so it’s no surprise it’s the most liked shot I’ve published. It’s also probably the image I worked hardest on composition wise, so I’m pretty happy it’s sitting at number one.

2. Loch Leven, Scotland

Sunset, Loch Leven, Scotland

Hanging on our living room wall in Geneva, this has always been one of my personal favourites. Believe it or not it’s also the least post-processed shot I’ve published online. It really was the most incredible sunset!

3. Andaman Sea, Thailand

Sunrise, Phuket, Thailand

Watching the sun rise over the Andaman ocean whilst speed-boating toward the Phi Phi Islands of Thailand is undoubtedly one of my greatest travel memories. This image was pretty tricky due to the bumpy nature of the ride! But I kept on tweaking my camera settings and it paid off in the end.

4. Bodie Ghost Town, California

Bed, Bodie Ghost Town, California

A departure from my usual focus on landscapes, this image was heavily post-processed to convey the feeling of the Weekly Photo Challenge it was created to represent – Eerie. Bodie Ghost Town was a unique experience and one of the highlights of our trip to California.

5. Budapest, Hungary

Staircase, St. Stephen's Basilica, Budapest

Probably the most arty image I’ve published, the staircase of St Stephen’s Basilica in Budapest seemed to go on forever. I cropped this shot in an attempt to achieve the Golden Spiral in its composition, which is supposed to be visually appealing. I have to say I think it works!

23 thoughts on “Celebrating 100 Posts With WordPress

  1. Heyjude

    Well done Ben – it is quite an achievement to reach that century! My favourite has to be that spiral staircase – I am very jealous – it is a perfect composition 🙂
    Jude xx

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Jude! It’s not often you come across a staircase like that one, so I’m glad I made the most of the opportunity. Your continued interest here on the blog is very much appreciated 🙂

  2. SPFischer

    Fantastic milestone! And while I love each picture you have chosen to be in this gallery, I think my favorite is Big Ben through the phone booth, because of your wonderful backstory. Persistence paid off! Cheers to continued success. I’m inspired by your photos and am enjoying following along on your adventures.

    1. Ben Post author

      Cheers indeed! Thanks Stacy, I’m glad you enjoyed the story behind that one. Quite often I am not anywhere near as methodical as I was for the Big Ben shot. But on that one I had something specific in mind and like you say, persistence paid off in the end. I hope my next 100 posts will continue to inspire you too, thanks for stopping by 🙂

  3. Sreejith Nair

    It really did, and we are drown to the image, Ben. The staircase of St Stephen’s Basilica stands out and it’s a real work of art.

    Hope to see many more mile stones like this, have a beautiful day.

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Sreejith, that seems to be the favourite so far. As always I really appreciate your comments here on the blog, I hope to see you around for the next 100! 🙂 Have a great day too.

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Max, a thousand posts would be great! Seems like the staircase is the favourite of those five shots. I’ll have to look out for more of those in the future!

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Alex, it is hard to beat a good sunrise or sunset! I was lucky that on both occasions the light was fantastic.

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Emma, Bodie was just full of interesting subjects. Abandoned places can be such treasure troves for photography!

    1. Ben Post author

      It definitely had some great architecture, and the Chain Bridge was a brilliant subject. I’d like to spend some time there during the summer, I would imagine with warmer temperatures it only becomes more appealing!


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