Finding That Elusive Shot Of Lake Geneva

Lac Leman, Geneva, Switzerland

A couple of weeks ago we had some fantastic weather at the weekend in Geneva, so I set out in search of a shot that’s been eluding me for quite some time. I’ve always been disappointed with my shots of Lake Geneva in the past, and have found it difficult to find an interesting way of shooting such a large body of water. I’ve never really captured how it feels to walk along its shores in Geneva. So when I came across this shot I was extremely happy, it felt great!

I got lucky with the shadows being cast across the ground, the composition is definitely the best I’ve achieved to date. I’ve been looking to get a shot with the Jet d’Eau in the background for a while, but have struggled to find the right place for it until now. Having said that I’m certain there are better shots to be found! I’ll just have to keep searching.

In other news I’m planning to take a break from posting for the next couple of weeks. I can’t say why right now but I’m very excited and can’t wait to share the results with all of you when I return. Sharing my photography through this blog is the best decision I’ve made all year and I don’t intend to stop any time soon!

Have you ever struggled to get that elusive shot? How did you feel when you finally found it? Any tips for shooting big lakes?!

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13 thoughts on “Finding That Elusive Shot Of Lake Geneva

  1. Heyjude

    A nice perspective – and I love the strong shadows, but I’m not so sure about those clouds to the right, maybe it needs a bot of sky above them? Hope you’re not offended by my observation Ben (I know some people are), just my opinion and trying to throw something for you to think about. Whatever your news is, it sounds exciting 🙂
    Jude xx

    1. Ben Post author

      Of course I’m not offended! It’s really great to have some constructive feedback 🙂 So thanks! I definitely agree on the clouds – I think I was too pre-occupied with the rest of the composition that I didn’t pay enough attention to the edges of the frame. I hope to head out again and experiment a bit more around this area of the lake, so I’ll be aiming to improve that next time!

    1. Ben Post author

      Haha, thanks Paula! I’ll still keep searching for something better. I’m confident the best shot is still out there waiting to be found.

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks! Lake Geneva is such a beautiful subject. There are many more gorgeous shots to be found! I’m glad you enjoyed this one 🙂


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