My Year In Colours: Capture the Colour 2013

From Formula 1 to mountain paths to window shutters! I think the images I’ve chosen for this year’s Capture the Colour competition best demonstrate everything I’ve enjoyed shooting this year. I’m really glad I found out about this competition being run by Travel Supermarket. It’s given me a great excuse to look through my back catalogue, and I’ve realised how far my photography has come in the last couple of years.


Silverstone - Vettel FP2

My first time shooting Formula 1 with a camera that could keep up with the action was this year at the Silverstone grand prix. I had a fantastic time following the cars with a camera attached to my eye. I ended the weekend with a huge number of blurry images, but a few great ones. This was my favourite; I love the bright red of the advertising hoardings, it frames the car really nicely.


Bernese Alps - The path to the Mannlichen (II)

The path from Kleine Scheidegg to the Mannlichen was a joy to experience. Situated high in the Bernese Oberland, I think it’s probably the most beautiful area of the Alps I’ve had the pleasure of visiting. I wanted to capture the feeling of being on that path, alone with the natural landscape. I don’t know how they do it, but the grass just seems so much greener in Switzerland than anywhere else I’ve ever been!


Half Open, Yvoire, France

Maybe this image is more turquoise than blue, I’m not sure. I’ve never been great at distinguishing the line between blue and green! But I love the contrast. The shutters really jump out at you, and the fact they’re half open is an added bonus for the composition. This was taken in the medieval French town of Yvoire, which was definitely my most successful photography session this year. I may have lived here in Switzerland for 3 years, but the novelty of continental shutters has not worn off. They’re great!


Flowers, Yvoire, France

This shot was taken on a second trip to Yvoire when I experimented with my longer 200mm lens. It was my first time shooting flowers, and The Garden of Five Senses proved a great place to practice. Although a proportion of the gardens seemed to be dying there were a few spectacular flowers to find. I have to admit I’d never been interested in flowers before, but I was taken aback by some I spotted here. These yellow flowers really struck me, what a strange evolution!



This past weekend was my third trip back to London this year, but my first with the NEX 6 camera. I was really excited to have a whole day just shooting some of London’s icons. I spent a great deal of time around the London Eye. I love the geometry, all the straight lines are so great to work with! There are just too many good angles to count. I only wish it had been a clear day, the bright white of the structure would have looked all the more brilliant against a completely blue background. Maybe next time!

I hope you enjoyed my colourful shots! Which is your favourite? Anybody can enter the competition, but entrants are asked to nominate 5 people to spread the word. My nominations are:

1. Kan at Kan Walk Will Travel
2. Tina at Travels and Trifles
3. Mar at Momdeavor
4. Chillbrook at Cornwall Photographic
5. David at Pinola Photography

So dust off your camera and capture the colour! Good luck!

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34 thoughts on “My Year In Colours: Capture the Colour 2013

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Jean! There are so many great perspectives of the London Eye, it’s brilliant. I need to visit more of these big wheels around the world.

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Seth! I think of all the shots, blue definitely jumps out at you the most. I’m glad you saw something hopeful in my images 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks! You should definitely post an entry! I think you have some great shots. I was going to nominate you but I couldn’t reach your site yesterday, I wasn’t sure if it was down. Maybe I was clicking the wrong link! But definitely go for it 🙂

  1. ivyon

    Awesome… 🙂 I love how you say: ” I’ve never been great at distinguishing the line between blue and green!” when just few days ago I found out that women and men see shades of green and blue differently. 🙂 Women see more green in mixed colour, and men see more blue. 🙂

    1. Ben Post author

      Haha! I didn’t know that, but it certainly explains a lot! 🙂 My partner often sees colours quite differently to me, now I know why!

  2. Heyjude

    Lovely choices – I like the London Eye the best, but they are all great . I have had a go at the comp too, but looking at last year’s winners I don’t think I’m in with a chance. Good fun though!
    Oh, btw, I have visited the five senses garden at Yvoire – a wonderful place, and written about it on my travel blog (the one which my avatar links to)
    Good luck in the competition
    Jude xx

    1. Ben Post author

      Thanks Jude! I think you’ve got some fantastic shots for your entry. I’ve not looked at the past winners, but like you I don’t expect to be in contention for anything, it’s just a bit of fun! Thanks for stopping by, and best of luck for the competition too!

  3. Rosie Baillie

    Being a huge F1 fan my favourite is definitely the red shot! I didn’t have much time to take photo’s at this years British Grand Prix as I was there working but had the opportunity to take a few photos at the Italian GP. I looked quite funny with my little lens stood next to professionals with huge lenses.

    1. Ben Post author

      A fellow F1 fan! Haha, yeah I felt the same about my lens at Silverstone actually. I couldn’t believe the size of some of them, they looked more like telescopes! If you don’t mind me asking what kind of work were you doing at Silverstone?

      1. Rosie Baillie

        Journalist (feel silly calling myself that when I’ve only been to two races). I write for an F1 website, so I was attending press conferences, interviewing drivers etc. I also got to watch FP2 from the Caterham garage which was great.

        1. Ben Post author

          Awesome! Sounds like a great opportunity, being in the garage must have been quite an experience! Which site are you writing for? I’ll look out for your articles 🙂

          The closest I’ve been to the action was in a hospitality suite at Barcelona testing a couple of years back. Being right above the pit lane was fantastic, and I felt like a proper insider walking around the paddock!

        2. Rosie Baillie

          It was a lot of fun, I wasn’t allowed to take pictures sadly, but that’s understandable.
          I write for and

          Getting to walk around the paddock is a great feeling, you feel all excited like you could jump around but know it would be totally inappropriate and have to act all cool about it.

        3. Ben Post author

          Yeah that’s a shame, I guess you need special permission to take shots in the pit lane.

          Haha, I know exactly what you mean. I had to control myself when I had a quick chat with Martin Brundle. One of the most exciting moments of my life! I’ll check out those websites.

  4. oureverydayadventures365

    Love. BUT the Red shot is Mark Webber not Vettel. My all time favourite and so sorry to see the great Aussie retire. Check the helmet design. 🙂

    1. Ben Post author

      Haha, thanks! You won’t believe me now but I did actually spot that mistake and update the tags on Flickr. I forgot to update the description though. My attention to detail has failed me, but I’m happy to find another blogger who can spot a driver by their helmet design!

  5. cooesncuddles

    I love your photography style…its very personal yet very very appealing to the viewers eye… just love it…the yellow flowers clicked at the Garden of five senses is my personal favourite…thanks for such great pictures to view


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